
Doubling operational efficiency with smart surveys: Kornburger’s success story

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Kornburger uses Trimble Stratus, Powered by Propeller. Trimble, the global leader in positioning technologies, was an early partner of Propeller. Our teams work closely together to deliver survey-ready drone data solutions for the construction industry using Trimble Stratus.

With decades of experience, Kornburger has a wide breadth of service offerings, spanning from demolition and soil stabilization to earthwork and road construction.

Kevin Kornburger, serving as a site manager and surveyor at the family-run enterprise in Betzenstein, Germany, has personally experienced the game-changing impact of drone surveying technology. Drone surveying has accelerated operational efficiency, significantly reducing both time and costs.

Dive into the Kornburger’s story below to uncover how Trimble Stratus has streamlined their processes, saving valuable time and increasing efficiency in estimating and billing through the integration of smart surveys.

Time-consuming surveys and documentation challenges

In their pre-drone era, Kevin Kornburger’s team relied on traditional GPS rovers for surveying. This approach demanded frequent site visits to track progress, resulting in a substantial time investment. The absence of comprehensive documentation often led to protracted discussions with clients during the billing process, a situation that needed to be addressed.

Unlocking capacity through time savings with smart surveys

The transition to drone surveying marked a revolutionary shift in Kornburger’s operations. By adopting AeroPoints instead of conventional ground control methods, fieldwork was dramatically expedited, making quick surveys a straightforward task. Kornburger noted, “Thanks to drones and AeroPoints, I can now conduct surveys faster and with less complexity than ever before.” “Drone surveying is also more comfortable; I no longer need to traverse extensive distances or worry about soiling my shoes,” he adds with a laugh.

However, Kornburger’s transformation doesn’t end with data capture efficiency. Outsourcing survey data processing to Propeller also boosted efficiency. This streamlined approach accelerated data processing compared to in-house processing, consistently impressing Kornburger with its accuracy. With this newfound time, Kornburger’s site managers redirected their focus towards data analysis and other essential tasks, such as quoting and billing.

Comprehensive data for precise quoting and billing

Kornburger serves residential builders of single-family homes, often struggling to envision the project’s final outcome. Here, Trimble Stratus’s unique feature of overlaying 3D construction designs onto orthophotos proves invaluable. “Orthophotos allow our clients to preview the end result before project completion, helping them visualize the future,” explained Kevin Kornburger.

Furthermore, Kornburger harnesses this feature for mass calculations, flying over the original site and superimposing design plans on orthophotos to determine material surplus or shortfall, facilitating more accurate estimates. Having an all-encompassing overview of data in Trimble Stratus greatly streamlines the invoicing process. Kornburger remarked, “In terms of quoting and invoicing, Trimble Stratus is unparalleled. I can precisely quantify work completed to the cubic meter, ensuring that construction steps are billed accurately.” He added, “The continuous monitoring of process changes allows me to generate impeccable invoices, leaving no room for disputes.”

The timeline feature proves particularly valuable during excavations, allowing Mr. Kornburger to comprehensively document the pit’s evolution before and after excavation. “Even months later, I can revisit the project’s progress and changes, thanks to the 3D map’s precise historical data,” noted Kornburger.

Drone surveying: A catalyst for efficiency

Since adopting smart surveys, the Kornburger has witnessed a substantial boost in productivity. “We’re not only much faster but also much more accurate,” emphasized Kornburger. Operations previously considered trivial during a project now offer a valuable retrospective perspective for addressing inquiries. “We’re more efficient and forget less, thanks to the timeline feature in Trimble Stratus, which enables us to consistently monitor progress and changes,” Kornburger added. Additionally, cost savings have been considerable, particularly in labor costs, as drone surveys replace time-consuming traditional methods. “With drones, what used to take hours now takes mere minutes,” stated Kornburger.

Findings after a year of drone surveying

Initially, Kornburger had planned to employ drones solely for large-scale construction projects. However, after a few months, Mr. Kornburger and his team recognized the benefits of utilizing drones even on smaller sites, a practice that greatly aided bidding and billing by providing essential data. Kornburger concluded, “Regardless of project size, the data we obtain through Trimble Stratus makes aerial surveys an invaluable investment.”

Today, Kevin Kornburger can’t imagine operating without drone surveying. He vividly recalled, “There was a week when our drone was down, and it caused chaos within the company. We can’t do without the drone anymore; it’s an integral part of our operations now.”

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